Theory, techniques, and exercises to become a good singer. Learn how to sing, discover your potential to chart your artistic direction.
The author intends with this book to explain in detail all aspects to know how to sing. From the operation of the voice to learn to sing like a professional.
The book aims to explain what it is to sing, how to prepare, how to tune, how to discover the potential of your voice, differentiate between different styles of singing, how to take care of the voice, how to sing in public to how to develop your own professional career.
How does the voice work? What is singing? How do you learn to sing? What singing style? How do I take care of my voice?
In this book, Isabel Villagar, from an informative and scientific perspective, addresses the question of how children and teens should be taught to sing taking into account the physical, mental and emotional conditioning of each phase of child and youth development.
Because singing, and singing well, is a neuromuscular activity that can be learned and improved thanks to sustained practice and guided training, and not an innate ability that only a few possess or that children learn without needing help from the children.
• How the sung voice is produced.
• Pedagogical considerations and repertoire in early childhood.
• Children who have trouble singing and evaluation protocols for the sung voice.
• Musical development in adolescence.
• How the repertoire is taught.
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What is a choir and how does it work, vocal technique, health and hygiene, rehearsals and auditions.
Choir singing is one of the most pleasant and enriching activities that exist. Everyone can sing because it is in our nature, however, the formation of a singer does not occur spontaneously, but must be understood as the acquisition of a psychomotor skill.
The vocal body scheme is made up of significant, organized and systematized experiences both mentally and bodily and for this purpose vocal exercises and methodological proposals are designed to be applied to a group of singers.
• The vocal stages: First and second childhood, adolescence and adults.
• Vocal and musical education in choirs.
• Choice of repertoire.
• The most appropriate preparation for a concert.
• The choral world in Spain and Latin America.
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