Aria Elan: I love writing and singing "feel-good" music

LBDC viaja más y más :) Comenzamos hoy a postear entrevistas en lengua inglesa a renombrados cantantes internacionales debido al alto número de peticiones de las mismas en esta lengua. Hoy comenzamos con la cantante y compositora estadounidense Aria Elan.

What is the first experience you remember with music?
My first memory of music is my mother singing while cooking, hanging clothes on the line to dry, sweeping our floors... she loved singing. 

At what time did you decide you wanted to be a singer?
I knew I wanted to be a singer/songwriter while singing in my father's church. Music has the ability to touch people emotionally and inspire them.

What musical personality do you think influenced you most in your beginnings?
I love Marvin Gaye's songwriting, singing, and piano playing. 

What are your favorite singers or musicians?
My favorite singers/musicians are Marvin Gaye and Nina Simone.

What repertoire do you feel most at ease today?
My favorite repertoire is jazz, but I feel comfortable singing a variety of genres - everything from pop, reggae, to R&B.

Tell us, please, any experience or anecdote that comes to mind that has to do with your voice or your professional experience.
Early in my career as an entertainment attorney, singer and owner of my indie record company, SiSi Inc, I met Sylvia Moy, the only female producer who worked at Motown Records and the writer of the hit song sung by Stevie Wonder - "My Cherie Amour." Ms. Moy contributed 2 beautiful songs ("Love's Inside" and "You can depend on my love") to the compilation album that I released titled "Universal Love." 

She taught me that a hit song is a song that many people all over the world can relate to; it's a conversation between the songwriter, the singer, and the audience and that songs should tell a story. The song that I wrote and sang on "Universal Love" album is "Wannabe." The music is still available at

What do you think about the current situation of musicians and singers?
I think 21st century musical scene is very exciting and filled with opportunities. In the 20th century, major labels controlled the distribution of music. Now through social media, anyone can deliver their music directly to the consumers. The challenge is sifting through all of the music to find the real pearls and gems.

Do you want to add something more about your relationship with music?
I love writing and singing "feel-good" music that touches people's hearts, minds and souls.

Where can our readers find more information on the net about you?

Experiencia +25 años, +15 en Clases Online de Canto y Voz*Técnica Vocal*Todos los niveles y estilos

Mi foto
Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
COACH VOCAL de referencia internacional. Titulada oficial Superior en Pedagogía del Canto con Matrícula de Honor y Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera por unanimidad. Titulada en Canto, Piano e Ingeniería. Académica de las Artes Escénicas de España. Dir. Vocal Center. Miembro fundadora del Capítulo Iberoamericano de la Región Internacional de la National Assoc. Teachers Singing (EE.UU.). Miembro European Voice Teacher Association. Deleg. Asoc. Española de Profesores de Canto. Dir. Asoc. de Músicos Profesionales de España-CV. Experta en Técnica Vocal. Especializada además en voces infantiles y juveniles. Autora de las exitosas publicaciones: Claves de la Voz y el Canto, Guía Práctica para Cantar (núm. 1 ventas Amazon), Guía Práctica para Cantar en un Coro, La Voz sí que Importa, Cómo enseñar a Cantar a Niños y Adolescentes. Asesora vocal y Directora musical TV. Prepara asiduamente a participantes de concursos de televisión. 0034 651315263 "¡Cantad felices!"

de la creatividad al piano
