Paul Manners: Be more than a singer, learn new things in music and embrace it

Recibimos al celebérrimo y multi-artista británico Paul Manners: Singer-Songwriter, DJ, Presenter, Producer & Voice-overs.

What is the first experience you remember with music?
It was receiving my first keyboard from my late Grandmother at the age of six. I started to learn reading music and playing the songs from the book that accompanied it, as well as playing by ear. Throughout education I loved studying music and creative in all of the practical work.

At what time did you decide you wanted to be a singer?
It was in my third year of school I was spotted singing and was asked to join the choir, often singing solo parts during performances.

What musical personality do you think influenced you most in your beginnings? 
I’ve always been fascinated by the evolution of music in society and often create music alongside the styles of today. I love other artists which genuine personalities who want to do the same as me; bringing happiness and enjoyment to the world.

What are your favorite singers or musicians?
I love dance producers and people who write awesome songs with personalities to match them. I admire others who get involved with not just singing, but in the background too such as in production; from writing, producing to mixing and mastering. I am humbled to be supported by the likes of Peter Andre (he’s awesome) and many other actors, recording artists, DJs and personalities.

What repertoire do you feel most at ease today?
I love my new remix of ‘Hold You In My Arms’ which was beautifully done by Dual Nature and looking forward to performing it at different venues and clubs all over the world working alongside them. I love entertaining crowds like I did on Britain’s Got Talent and festivals; seeing people enjoy themselves makes me do more in terms of performing and entertaining. I do perform my other songs and choose covers which best suits the occasion/venue.

Tell us, please, any experience or anecdote that comes to mind that has to do with your voice or your professional experience.
Be yourself and never change. Be humbled and thankful for the support around you. Make sure you have time for rehearsals; don’t forget the words to your own song like I did on national television. I am grateful for the Britain’s Got Talent platform which started my career and wouldn’t mind returning to the show to perform as a guest one day.

What do you think about the current situation of musicians and singers?
I wish that everyone would support one another and not just be ‘in it for themselves’. I do lots of charity work and it feels great to make a positive difference. Throw jealously out the window, be humble and enjoy life with the genuine people around you who are always there.

What advice or recommendations would you give to those who are now beginning to sing?
Don’t be shy and go for it. Be yourself, let your personality come out and make the songs your own. Be more than a singer, learn new things in music and embrace it; create entertainment when performing and get people involved.

Do you want to add something more about your relationship with music?
Music has and always be my first love. What would a wedding be like without a first dance? What would culture be like if music was not around to inspire you or encompass you to enjoy moments and create fond memories? Creating music and entertainment is really rewarding, not just to myself but for others too.

Where can our readers find more information on the net about you?
On my website and on my record label’s website at Hope you all enjoy the music and what I do. There is so much to come and I invite you all to join with me. I want to hold you all in my arms, spread the love and make a positive difference for humanity.

Experiencia +25 años, +15 en Clases Online de Canto y Voz*Técnica Vocal*Todos los niveles y estilos

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Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
COACH VOCAL de referencia internacional. Titulada oficial Superior en Pedagogía del Canto con Matrícula de Honor y Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera por unanimidad. Titulada en Canto, Piano e Ingeniería. Académica de las Artes Escénicas de España. Dir. Vocal Center. Miembro fundadora del Capítulo Iberoamericano de la Región Internacional de la National Assoc. Teachers Singing (EE.UU.). Miembro European Voice Teacher Association. Deleg. Asoc. Española de Profesores de Canto. Dir. Asoc. de Músicos Profesionales de España-CV. Experta en Técnica Vocal. Especializada además en voces infantiles y juveniles. Autora de las exitosas publicaciones: Claves de la Voz y el Canto, Guía Práctica para Cantar (núm. 1 ventas Amazon), Guía Práctica para Cantar en un Coro, La Voz sí que Importa, Cómo enseñar a Cantar a Niños y Adolescentes. Asesora vocal y Directora musical TV. Prepara asiduamente a participantes de concursos de televisión. 0034 651315263 "¡Cantad felices!"

de la creatividad al piano
