George Tselios: Every musician, singer can more easily than ever make a career

What is the first experience you remember with music? At what time did you decide you wanted to be a singer?
I decided to become a singer almost 5 years ago,at my 25 years of age at a period when i was the lead guitarist of a band called Motherwhat.

What musical personality do you think influenced you most in your beginnings?
I was influenced mostly of rock and pop rock singers, one of my biggest influences is Chris Cornell

What are your favorite singers or musicians?
My favourite singers musicians now is Lenny kravitz,Rithcie kotzen,John Mayer and i used to love Gary Moore

What repertoire do you feel most at ease today?
I mostly sing rock ,pop rock funky and blues songs,some examples are:lenny kravitz's The Chamber, Bon Jovi's You give love a bad name,jimi hendrix's Red house, Gary Moore's Walking by myself, or Prince's Kiss.

Tell us, please, any experience or anecdote that comes to mind that has to do with your voice or your professional experience.
Everytime i play live i want to make something like stand up comedy on the microphone,sometimes its fun sometimes the audiences dont laught too much, but i find it amusing so i try to make it part of me.i remember in a live situation i was improvising so much "trance" guitar with a delay effect so the front people were lying on the floor tripping with their minds.thats sth i want to create in every live situation.."mind trips".

What do you think about the current situation of musicians and singers?
It is a fact that we are running an era where every musician, singer can more easily than ever make a carrer (big or small doesn t make a difference),it's mostly because of the internet and youtube. Everyone now can expose himself and be a youtuber in anything he does.

That was let s say the good part,the other part is that we have so many people doing the same thing in a similar way.As far as guitar is concerned cause thats my instrument first then comes the voice, we have so many young guitarists who play effortlessly with huge technique but there is no originality in their sound and playing, its like they are trying to emulate a particular sound, you cant easily find new "santanas" or "BB kings".

What advice or recommendations would you give to those who are now beginning to sing?
Young people might try to be more selective about their sound and think of more stuff except from music itself for example what do they have to say as individuals, to have a strong why.

Do you want to add something more about your relationship with music?
I am myself make a living as a guitar teacher and also  create my music besides the live situations. I write poems, lyrics, reading books, travelling and generally have my imagination active.

Where can our readers find more information on the net about you?
I have a facebook, instagram accounts with the name George Tselios and also trying to upload at my youtube page new stuff...

Experiencia +25 años, +15 en Clases Online de Canto y Voz*Técnica Vocal*Todos los niveles y estilos

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Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
COACH VOCAL de referencia internacional. Titulada oficial Superior en Pedagogía del Canto con Matrícula de Honor y Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera por unanimidad. Titulada en Canto, Piano e Ingeniería. Académica de las Artes Escénicas de España. Dir. Vocal Center. Miembro fundadora del Capítulo Iberoamericano de la Región Internacional de la National Assoc. Teachers Singing (EE.UU.). Miembro European Voice Teacher Association. Deleg. Asoc. Española de Profesores de Canto. Dir. Asoc. de Músicos Profesionales de España-CV. Experta en Técnica Vocal. Especializada además en voces infantiles y juveniles. Autora de las exitosas publicaciones: Claves de la Voz y el Canto, Guía Práctica para Cantar (núm. 1 ventas Amazon), Guía Práctica para Cantar en un Coro, La Voz sí que Importa, Cómo enseñar a Cantar a Niños y Adolescentes. Asesora vocal y Directora musical TV. Prepara asiduamente a participantes de concursos de televisión. 0034 651315263 "¡Cantad felices!"

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