🎁Homenaje en la red a Salvador Sobral

En esta publicación compartimos las opiniones y recuerdos sobre el cantante eurovisivo Salvador Sobral que nos han remitido desde su club de fans internacional.

Soy de Barcelona y tengo 56 años. Jamás en mi vida fui fan de nadie, ni siquiera en mi juventud. Y un buen día, en la madurez de mi vida, cuando ya piensas que nada te puede sorprender, una noche de mayo de hace 3 años, de la manera más inverosímil que uno pueda imaginar, la vida me regaló un momento inolvidable en el que sentí una emoción que hizo que se me encogiera el alma y el corazón al escuchar la voz de Salvador Sobral. Desde entonces, no he dejado de escucharlo ni un solo día. 

Aquí contesto las preguntas que formulas:

Qué destaca la forma de cantar de Salvador para nosotros?

Digamos que de cada canción, hace una canción. Esa capacidad que tiene para cantarla siempre de una forma diferente, hace que nunca caigamos en el aburrimiento, y qué decir de sus interpretaciones?, como las siente! Son magistrales! Es un auténtico showman que contagia su felicidad a la hora de salir al escenario. Se nota que se encuentra como pez en el agua.

Cuáles son nuestras canciones favoritas de Salvador y por qué?

Imposible decir cuáles son mis canciones favoritas, porque todavía no he escuchado una que no me guste, y dependiendo de mi estado de ánimo, puedo variar;  por lo tanto, voy a decir unas cuantas, y después selecciona:

Naturalmente, “Amar pelos dois”, merece una atención especial, puesto que  con ésta descubrí a Salvador y entré en un nuevo mundo. Curiosamente, no entiendo ni una palabra de portugués, pero con ésta canción, no hizo falta. Sin lugar a dudas, la música es un lenguaje universal.

“Ay amor” y “ela disse me assim”, por su fuerza desgarradora, a la hora de interpretarlas. Me emocionan, me ponen la carne de gallina, me hacen casi llorar porque me contagia el sufrimiento que siente en estas canciones.

“Estrada dividida”, porque es una canción de amor muy tierna, y porque me hace sentir especial, ya que fui testigo cuando la presentó el año pasado en el Coliseum de Lisboa. (La pasión que siento por Salvador ha hecho que sea capaz hasta de viajar, tan solo para ir a un concierto).

“Cerca del Mar”, porque es una canción llena de mensaje con un gran significado.

“París Tokio 2”, porque nunca escuché una canción de amor cantada con tanto entusiasmo y alegría.

 “Earth Smiles” (de Alexander Search). Me gusta el título y su música.

“Tú me acostumbraste” (de Alma Nuestra), por hacer una versión tan personal de ésta canción

“Tribes and Rites” (de Noko Woi) me encanta el ritmo y la musicalidad

- Por qué Salvador es nuestro artista favorito?

Porque Salvador es infinito, incombustible, tan lleno de ideas… es una auténtica caja de sorpresas. Por poner un ejemplo, ¿A quién se le ha ocurrido la idea de cantar para toda España una canción típica de cada región/comunidad del país? Yo no conozco a nadie, aunque tampoco sigo a ningún cantante como él, al igual que tiene tantas bandas como “Noko Woi”, “Alexander Search” “Alma Nuestra” tan versátiles. 

Con lo último que nos soprendió fue con el proyecto “CantarBrel”, y también tuve el privilegio de viajar hasta Lisboa para estar presente, y sólo puedo decir que ojalá algún día pueda hacer una gira de conciertos con éste proyecto, porque, como no podía ser de otra manera, se le da muy bien la “chanson francaise”

- What highlights Salvador's way of singing for us? 
When I first saw and heard Salvador at ESC 2017 I was drawn by his beguiling voice and presentation.  I did not understand a word of what he was singing, but I was drawn in by him and definitely wanted him to win.

Since having followed him, starting with You Tube, later on Facebook and various media, I have found out how versatile Salvador is.  How he can switch styles and languages.  How he  can draw me in to whatever song he is singing.    And no, I might not  be able to understand the language he is singing at first, but I can understand his body language, his tone of voice.   

When necessary, when I desire to know more, I go and  find the lyrics and get them translated.  That way I can fully understand what the song is about and go back to listening to Salvador sing the original  with a deeper understanding of his interpretation .  

- Which are my favourite songs of Salvador and why? 

Oh my goodness, there are quite  a few songs of his which I adore : -
When  as a singer in his own right  …
From his album ‘Excuse Me’ -
The first song I heard was ’Excuse Me’ and yes he says ’ Excuse me if I am not like you’. I think that rings true.  He is not like anyone else. 

‘Ay Amor’ from the same album, because it is a love song which Salvador interprets  with full passion  in his voice. He draws me in.  

From Salvador’s album ‘Paris Lisboa’ -
‘Playing With The Wind’ .. I heard  him sing it long before it was on  his album and had to ask other fans what the title was.  It was in English, was  a great starting point and some of the lyrics being …
’Air in my lungs ready to sing with the breeze
Ending a cycle, long to be released
My eyes are wide open
A heart that's ready to absorb
We'll know when it's coming
But I'm prepared to roll, roll the dice’ …
Just listen to Salvador sing those words as if he felt every movement,  and the way his voice rolls with ‘roll the dice’.
With Noko Woi ..
I love the youthfulness of this band. The softness, the smooth sound, my favourite song is ‘Sink and Float’  … why? .. You just have to listen to Salvador’s voice and you do exactly that… sink and yet float.
With Alma Nuestra ..

My favourite song is  ‘ ‘Tu Me Acostumbraste’ ('You Accustomed Me') .
Some of the lyrics …
‘You accustomed me
To all those things
And you taught me
They are wonderful …
That's why I wonder to see that you forgot me
Why didn't you teach me how to live without you’
Salvador’s style once again different  with the Latin sound, the Latin feel,  his  body language, the romantic feeling coming over.  

Why is Salvador our favourite artist?

You only have to have watched Salvador, listened to him for a while and it is as if you become mesmerised by him, wanting to know more about him, wanting more of him!

He is a young man with his feet on the ground with interests in Human Rights. I was lucky enough to be in the front row  when Salvador came to London, February 2020 for his UK debut.   He acknowledged me, laughed at me because I knew every song and clapped when I recognised the first bars.  

Salvador truly puts on a show, entertaining all.   After the show  I had the privilege of being introduced to him.  Oh my goodness, I will never ever forget how kind, gentle, generous with his time and interested in me he was.   Thank goodness someone took photos of us because if I did not have those I could easily have thought that my meeting Salvador was a dream.    For about ten days afterwards I felt like I was floating on a cloud and not quite in this world.   An amazing experience of my life!

My contribution to the survey!

xx - I try to be as realistic and sober as possible, because it is mainly about emotionality.

What highlights Salvador's way of singing for us? 

Salvador addresses each listener personally and directly, everyone feels personally addressed. He makes a great effort to deal with this situation without changing his personality.  This is a very special talent, as it also has a lot to do with psychology. But, of course, Salvador is also a deeply charismatic figure.

Which are our favorite songs of Salvador and why? 

La Souffleuse: A flattering song that goes under the skin. Succinctly told emotion between two people... the ever-changing, exciting relationship .

A day of sun (Alexander Search)  I feel that I am alive with this song.- Yes and that's a lot.... I feel the sun on my skin, the wind and my heartbeat and see the blue sky in my inner eye.    xxx Apollo unto Neptune... Alexander Search. One of the most erotic songs I know. The words of Fernando Pessoa (Alexander Search) sound like a reinvented one from the mouth of Salvador.

Well, actually all the songs Salvador has sung are favorite songs and I could describe my emotions for every single song. Each song is an emotional gift, a potent representation and transmission to every single person who listens. 

Why is Salvador our favorite artist?

You can't really explain that... why do you love someone for what they do? Emotions, emotions perfectly transmitted. The universe chose Salvador and it is time for him to come back on stage, because that is what he was created for. A narrator, an actor, a singer, a psychologist for all of us.


What highlights Salvador's way of singing for us? 

I would highlight his beautiful voice and musicality, his eclecticism  and  his perfectionism as a singer. 

His voice is one of the most beautiful I know; the range of his voice is impressive, and he can sing any style or type of music and is always perfect. The big sensibility he puts while singing makes that  we can feel everything he wants to transmit.  

Which are our favourite songs of Salvador and why? 

Although I’m Portuguese , I prefer his English songs, love Change, Playing with the wind and Ready for Love again, for the good energy and vibes they transmit; .  Só um beijo, La Soufleusse and Paris Tokio II are also my favorites. Ah, the Brel project is fantastic and love all his interpretations, wish he records a CD of that big concert. Noko Woi is also a fantastic project and love the songs Row and Tribes and Rites. Alma Nuestra is a great project also. It’s so difficult to choose between so many perfect songs. 

Why is Salvador our favourite artist?

Because of his talent, his sensibility, musicality and versality. _He is also a great person and I admire him very much. The strength and courage he showed while dealing with the the adversity of his illness is admirable, but I admire also the sincerity and empathy he demonstrates in a variety of social issues.

Experiencia +25 años, +15 en Clases Online de Canto y Voz*Técnica Vocal*Todos los niveles y estilos

Mi foto
Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
COACH VOCAL de referencia internacional. Titulada oficial Superior en Pedagogía del Canto con Matrícula de Honor y Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera por unanimidad. Titulada en Canto, Piano e Ingeniería. Académica de las Artes Escénicas de España. Dir. Vocal Center. Miembro fundadora del Capítulo Iberoamericano de la Región Internacional de la National Assoc. Teachers Singing (EE.UU.). Miembro European Voice Teacher Association. Deleg. Asoc. Española de Profesores de Canto. Dir. Asoc. de Músicos Profesionales de España-CV. Experta en Técnica Vocal. Especializada además en voces infantiles y juveniles. Autora de las exitosas publicaciones: Claves de la Voz y el Canto, Guía Práctica para Cantar (núm. 1 ventas Amazon), Guía Práctica para Cantar en un Coro, La Voz sí que Importa, Cómo enseñar a Cantar a Niños y Adolescentes. Asesora vocal y Directora musical TV. Prepara asiduamente a participantes de concursos de televisión. 0034 651315263 "¡Cantad felices!"

de la creatividad al piano
